The Team behind the French – German mission
The Merlin mission is a french german methane mission and was founded as a joint partnership in order to contribute to the climate focus by accurate measurements of the greenhouse gase methan.
The following instiutes contibute to the MERLIN mission whith their knowledge and advice:
Scientiffic Mission PIs
Philippe Bousquet | IPSL LMD, Institute Pierre Simon Laplace – Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, France |
Gerhard Ehret | DLR, German Aerospace Center – Institute for Atmospheric Pysiks, Germany |
Contributing Institutions
Below a number of institutionsn are alphabeticaly listed. Some Institutions contribute to the mission as co-PIs and other other contribute with members to the Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) or have an observer status. For detailed informations, please contact the MERLIN project office.