The online and offline pulses in the 1.64 µm spectral domain are generated by the laser head consisting of an OPO.
The selected orbit height is at about 500 km in order to maximize the signal strengths.
Ground track density over Europe per month. The yellow spots indicate the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) ground reference stations considered for long-term validation.
Example of global ground track density for the 28-day repeat cycle.
Satellite measuremnts will be validation by the airborne demonstrator CHARM-F, which is installed on HALO Aircraft.
The Lidar instrument measures the reflected or scattered radiation from the Earth’s surface and from cloud tops along the satellite footprint as depicted schematically in Figure.
The validation of the DAOD (L1b) products will benefit from co-located flights with the airborne MERLIN demonstrator CHARM-F.
Illustration of MERLIN measuring in space.
MERLIN satellite with the IPDA lidar instrument from DLR attached on the MYRIADE evolution platform from CNES.
The mini-class satellite carrying only one scientific instrument, the Integrated Path Differential Absorption (IPDA) lidar system operating in a near-nadir-viewing configuration.
The platform considered for MERLIN strongly benefits from the MYRIADE Evolutions Program, which is an enhancement with respect to the original MYRIADE concept of small satellite series.